Upper and Lower Body Injuries: What Compensation Amount can You Realistically Expect? 

Upper body injuries extend from the neck down to the hips, whilst lower body injuries can extend from the leg, covering the knees, ankles, feet, and toes. But for those who have suffered injuries in these areas due to the fault or negligence of another person (their employer, for instance), their biggest concern, apart from being able to recover as best as possible, would be knowing how much compensation they can actually receive. Here, then, is your guide to compensation amounts for upper and lower body injuries. 

Upper body injury compensation

Compensation amounts will vary greatly based on the location of the injury, severity, and extent. Upper body injuries such as those incurred in workplace accidents include injuries to the neck, back, shoulder, and hips. Neck injury compensation, for instance, can range from £35,000 to £110,000 if the injury has a serious effect on limb movement or if the neck cannot be moved. These injuries would include neck fractures, dislocations, disk damage, and severe damage to the soft tissue. Compensation for whiplash injuries to the neck will depend on how long the injury lasts, its severity, the amount of pain, and the effect of the whiplash injury on your daily tasks.

Back injuries can also be quite serious, so compensation would vary from £10,000 to £120,000 depending on the severity of the injury. Partial paralysis and even psychological distress from a back injury can entitle you to a large compensation, while moderate back injuries like strains and damage to soft tissue can give you a lesser amount of compensation.

Shoulder injuries that result in restricted movements can result in compensation of up to £35,000, while less serious shoulder injuries (usually on the soft tissue) can result in about £300 to £6,000 in compensation.

Lower body injury compensation 

The lower body is comprised of the legs, knees, ankles, feet, and even heels and toes. If you have suffered a serious injury to your legs, resulting in the amputation of both, you may be entitled to compensation between £75,000 and £215,000. The amount will also greatly depend on whether the leg is amputated below or above the knee. Serious leg injuries such as severe leg damage affecting your ability to move and function can result in compensation from £21,000 to £100,000. Moderate leg injuries, such as damage to the soft tissue or a broken leg can entitle you to compensation ranging from £1,800 to £19,000.

Severe knee injuries resulting in disability and regular pain can result in compensation between £39,000 and £70,000, while moderate knee injuries such as knee dislocation or torn or damaged cartilage can be awarded compensation of between £4,500 and £20,000. Meanwhile, ankle injuries leading to disability and deformity can be awarded compensation from £40,000 to £50,000, while less serious ankle injuries such as broken or sprained ankles can be awarded compensation between £10,000 and £20,000. 

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